Wi-Fi | LaSalle College Montréal | Five Schools & Over 60 Programs


Wi-Fi LaSalle College

Windows device

  1. It is very important to select the correct wireless network: LaSalle_WIFI.
    • Click on the icon "Network" to view the available wireless connections.
    • Select the network "LaSalle_WIFI"..
    • Enter the password provided via Omnivox and then click Connect.
  2. Wait patiently to be connected to LaSalle_WIFI network.

Apple device

  1. Click on the Settings icon.
  2. In the NETWORK AND WIRELESS section, select the Wi-Fi option.
  3. It is very important to select the correct wireless network: Lasalle_WIFI.
    • Activate your Wi-Fi by clicking ON.
    • Select the network "LaSalle_WIFI".
    • Enter the password provided via Omnivox and then click Join.
  4. Wait a few seconds until your telephone validates your connection and that you are connected to the network "LaSalle_WIFI".

Android device

  1. Click on the icon Settings.
  2. Select the option Wi-Fi.
  3. It is very important to select the correct wireless network: Lasalle_WIFI.
    • Activate your Wi-Fi by clicking ON.
    • Select the network "LaSalle_WIFI".
    • Enter the password provided via Omnivox and then click Connect.
  4. Wait a few seconds until your telephone validates your connection and you are connected to the "LaSalle_WIFI" network.