Are you both creative and logical? Combine both sides of your brain with our new formation in Creative Industries Management! Develop your skills as a management technician in a dynamic, creative environment.
Upon completing your program, you may work in places as diverse as architectural firms, festivals, video game design studios, film studios, radio, magazines, or content creation agencies.
Become a cultural project manager, entrepreneur, tour coordinator, marketing, programming, sponsorship, for example.
The creative industries include seven sectors:
- Architecture and design
- Performing arts, visual arts, musical arts, digital arts, and media arts
- Video games
- Multimedia
- Media
- Fashion
- Creative communication (advertising)
They are the result of the interaction between the arts and new technologies and involve the production of content and its enhancement.
Montréal is an undisputed center of creativity, innovation and culture. In fact, 4.7% of all jobs in the metropolitan area are in creative industries.